Group Small Values in Excel Pie Chart (2 Suitable Examples).
How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel from Pivot Table (2 Quick Ways).
Read More: How to Make Two Pie Charts with One Legend in Excel That’s how we can change the legends of an Excel Pie Chart without changing the value of the source data.
Finally, you will get your legends changed.
So, the dialogue box will show your newly typed legends.
Here, I’ve typed the initial letter (letters) of the name of the salesman.
Next, assign a new Axis label range just by typing the legends you want to be separated with commas.
Then, click Edit on the Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels.
Go to the Chart Design tab>click Select Data. To change the legend using this method, follow the steps below: Let’s say, for the dataset below, we want to change the legend of a Pie Chart in Excel without changing the data. Read More: How to Make a Pie Chart with Multiple Data in Excel (2 Ways) However, you can also change the orientation of the legend entries just by clicking the ‘ +’ sign at the right corner> click Legend> select orientation (i.e. So easy, isn’t it? These are the steps you can follow for Editing the legends by updating the data in the cell manually.
Then, repeat the same for each cell and you will get the legend changed.
Next, type a new text in the cell and press ENTER.
At first, click the cell in the worksheet that you want to edit the legend.
To edit the legend by using this method, just follow the steps below: The marked texts here are the legends for the plotted data. We have made a chart describing the sales of the shop over the mentioned time period. Let’s say, we have got a dataset of sales of the salesmen of a shop over a certain period of time. Edit Pie Chart Legend Manually by Updating Data In this section, you’ll find 3 easy ways for editing the legend of a Pie Chart in an Excel workbook both by updating data manually and by using Excel built-in features. The marked entries here are legends for the plotted data.ģ Easy Ways to Edit Legend of Pie Chart in Excel Legend entries can be updated or edited when chart data is updated. When a chart is created in an Excel worksheet, legends are automatically created for the chart. Most charts in Excel use some kind of legends to help the reader understand the data that are plotted on a graph. Legend is a representation of entries that are linked to the data being graphically displayed in the plot area of a chart.